One School, One Community, One City… the World Intersects at Meridian
Our Mission
The mission of Meridian Public Charter School is to inspire a passion for learning in our students and to help them build their self-confidence and self-respect through academic achievement.
Our Vision
One School – Our School. We celebrate and honor the diversity of our school community. Our students and families come from Ward 1, throughout DC, and around the world. At Meridian, we embrace diversity, with our community speaking various languages such as English, Spanish, Vietnamese, and Amharic and coming from a variety of cultural backgrounds. Our diversity strengthens and unites us as one school.
One Community – Our Community. We draw on the strengths of our neighborhoods—the history of Meridian Hill, the U Street Corridor, and Columbia Heights and our partnerships with community organizations–to support our students and families through wrap-around services and enrichment activities. Our school community will add to and be part of our larger neighborhood community.
One City – Our City. We will take advantage of all DC has to offer through in-depth school-based learning combined with field trips that make the city part of our classroom. We will give back to our community through service to our city.
The World Intersects at Meridian. Meridian graduates are prepared to be active citizens of our country and our world through a rich and rigorous curriculum as an EL Education partner school and school-wide norms that instill curiosity, respect, resilience, and leadership.
Our Values