My School DC Lottery
**Scroll down for instructions on the application process**
Meridian Public Charter School participates in the DC common lottery. Please visit the Family Center at Meridian's Elementary School campus if you need internet access or other assistance to complete the MySchoolDC application or online registration form when it becomes available.
Visit Us
Meridian welcomes students, parents, and the community to visit our classes during our Open Houses and/or Preschool tours. Preschool Tours and Open Houses, are great opportunities for prospective families to meet school staff and leadership, explore our facility, and ask important questions about the lottery application and enrollment processes.
Join us for One of our Upcoming Open House Tours at our Elementary or Middle school campus on the dates below. We Hope to See you soon!
Enrollment Information for 2024-2025
Once your student is offered a seat, you will need to submit ALL required enrollment forms (either in person or online) as well as proof of valid DC Residency to the school.
Please note that only DC residents can enroll and receive a tuition-free education in the District of Columbia. Enrollment of the student in a DC Public School or public charter school must be conducted by an individual with the authority to enroll the student and prove DC residency. Individuals who have the authority to enroll the student are Parent, Guardian, Custodian, Adult student, or Primary Caregiver (who must meet strict requirements to qualify). To be a resident, the enrolling person must:
Be physically present in DC; and
Submit valid documentation of DC residency (See step 3 below)
Step 1: Online Registration
Families will be provided a link and unique snapcode for each enrolling student to complete online registration via e-mail. Stay tuned for a link to register for the 2023-2024 school year.
Please watch the video below for a step-by-step tutorial on how to complete online registration.
Step 2: Enrollment Documents
Collect the documents below.
Identification Documents
Birth Certificate
Parent/Guardian State Issued Identification
Proof of guardianship, if applicable*
Academic Documents
Recent Report Card/Progress Reports
Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or 504 plan (if applicable)- you may reach out to Mrs. Rukayatu Bello (Director) at Rbello@meridian-dc.org for questions and/or more information
ACCESS scores (if applicable)
Health and Wellness Documents
Universal Health Certificate completed by a medical provider
Oral Health Assessment completed by a medical provider
Asthma Action Plan, if applicable
Medication and Medical Procedure Treatment Plan completed by a medical provider, if applicable
Anaphylaxis Plan, if applicable
Step 3: Submit your Residency Verification online -OR- in person!
Families will be able to complete enrollment by submitting Residency Verification documents online, OR in person with an Enrollment Team member.
To complete Residency Verification, please submit a digital copy of a clear photo of your proof of residency to enroll@meridian-dc.org along with your student’s name and grade level. Please allow up to 3 business days for review. Once proof of residency is reviewed and accepted, a member of the Enrollment Team will send you a link to the Residency Verification form (available in English, Spanish, Amharic, Vietnamese, Chinese, French, and Korean) for your digital signature.
Valid documentation of DC Residency: The District of Columbia may use whatever legal means it has at its disposal to verify residency. Providing false information or documentation may result in the payment of retroactive tuition, withdrawal from school, and referral to the DC Office of the Attorney General for prosecution. The chart to the right displays valid documentation of DC residency ——->
If the enrolling person or student is experiencing homelessness or is a ward of the District, appropriate information may need to be provided to an Enrollment Team member.
Note: Expired documentation will not be accepted as proof of residency; contact a Family Engagement or Enrollment Team member for more details.
Transition Policy for Head Start and Early Childhood Programs
Read Meridian’s Transition Policy for Head Start and Early Childhood Programs to learn more about the types of activities Meridian will undertake to better serve young students entering the school in Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten.
Enrollment Events Offered
Summer play dates allow new and returning students and their families to meet each other and some of their teachers for next year. Students will enjoy games and activities together led by Meridian teachers; light snacks will be available. Meridian summer play date begin in June, 2025
Every year Meridian celebrates our students, families, and surrounding community by hosting an outdoor Community Block Party. This event offers free fun, free food, and free resources for all ages. It is an opportunity to celebrate current students and families, meet prospective families, and forge stronger connections to our surrounding community through fellowship and sharing resources. This year’s Block Party will be April 5th at 11:00am at our Elementary Campus. See you there!
Enrollment Saturday is a special event held at schools city-wide to provide families with additional opportunities to receive enrollment support. Prospective families have the chance to receive tours led by school leaders, connect with our Enrollment and Family Engagement teams, and begin the process of Enrollment. Please stay tuned for this year’s Enrollment Saturday for the 2024-2025 SY .
EdFEST is the District’s annual public school fair designed to provide students and families with direct access to the District’s public school options (PK3 – Grade 12) in advance of the lottery application season. Please stay tuned for next year’s (SY 2025-2026) EdFEST date!
Need Enrollment Support?
For more information or assistance with the enrollment process, please visit the Elementary School Campus Family Center, or our Middle School Family Engagement office during the office hours shared below:
Enrollment Support hours are:
8 am - 12 pm and 1 pm - 4 pm (Mon, Tues, Thurs, & Fri) and 8 am - 1:30 pm (Wed)
For any questions about the enrollment process, please contact enroll@meridian-dc.org or one of the Family Engagement/Enrollment Team members with the information shared below. To learn more about Special Education Services and Support visit mpcs-dc.org/student-support or contact Mrs. Rukuyato Bello, Director, Special Education at rbello@meridian-dc.org.