Meet the Family Engagement Team


The Family Engagement Team aims to be a supportive & collaborative partner with all families of students enrolled at our Middle and Elementary school campuses. Whether we are sharing information, hosting an event, or connecting families to community partners or resources, our Family Engagement Team (FET) aims to partner with all families for the growth and success of each Meridian scholar.

YOU are the most important partner in our work, and we encourage you to attend one of our upcoming events, schedule a time to connect with us to answer any questions, or talk with us about programs you would like! We appreciate you being a part of our Meridian Community.


Selena Gonzales, Director of Development, Community & Family Partnerships

Ms. Gonzales joined Meridian in 2022, as the first Director of Development, Community and Family Partnerships. As the Director, Ms. Gonzales leads Meridian’s grants management, as well as programs and initiatives focused on strengthening partnerships and identifying resources to further support the Meridian community. Ms. Gonzales does this work by leading four streams of work (1) School-wide Communications (2) Community Partnerships (3) Development/Grants Management (4) Family Engagement.

If you would like to share suggestions about how we can partner better with families, or for questions about communications, community partnerships, development, or family engagement, please contact Ms. Gonzales at or (202) 793-2667.

Hilda Marquez, Manager, Community & Family Partnerships

Mrs. Marquez joined the Meridian team in 1999 as an Instructional Assistant in one of our Kindergarten classrooms. She now serves as the Community and Family Engagement Manager for both our Middle and Elementary campuses. She leads all events and workshops to support students and families whose first Language is not English. She serves as the Kids Ride Free Administrator for the ES and MS. Mrs. Marquez works closely with our enrollment, leadership, and Student Services Teams (SST) to provide translation and interpretation services for all parent conferences and SST-related meetings. Ms. Marquez can be reached at or 202-387-9830 ext. 204 for questions about Kids Ride Free (student Metro cards), Language Access, Re-enrollment, and interpretation for meetings with teachers or school administrators.

Pamela Anderson, Family Engagement Coordinator

Mrs. Anderson joined the Meridian team in 2018 as the Office Manager and now serves as the Family Engagement Coordinator of the Elementary and Middle School campuses. As the Family Engagement Coordinator, she leads events and initiatives to engage all parents and families at both campuses. Ms. Anderson directs Meridian families to community partners to connect with resources and supports to best support their child’s academic and social emotional learning. She can be reached via email at or 202-387-9839 ext. 501 for questions about family events, enrollment, and helpful resources.