End of year Townhall meeting / reunion abierta de fin de año
Zoom link will be provided via text and e-mail prior to the event. / El enlace de zoom se proporcionará por mensaje de texto y correo electrónico antes del evento.
Closing out this school year
Celebrating the end of a very challenging year - successful expansion of in-person learning
Congratulations to our 2021 8th graders - High School Placement results
Important Reminders:
where to find all EOY celebration/graduation information
last day of IPL for K and 5th-8th grade (virtual learning continues for all EXCEPT 8th grade until June 18)
No after care at the Elementary School on the last day of school
Device Return for ALL students for ALL devices (extension available with proof of participation in a virtual summer program)
Enrollment Reminders and New Student Referral Incentive
Summer 2021
Meridian Summer School for current K-7th graders
In-person Playdates (PK-2) & Movie Night (6-8)
Athletics (soccer, basketball, flag football) clinics + conditioning camp for all MS athletes
Summer Building Hours
What to Expect for SY21-22
Who/when/where/how - 5th grade @ ES, 5 days in-person, students per class, first day of school / SY2122 calendar
Requesting distance learning for the first term of SY2122 - Medical exemption process
Health & Safety Precautions
What’s new in teaching, learning, and out-of-school time programming:
Staffing investments - additional counselors, apprentice teachers
High-dosage tutoring during the school day + after school
Accepting vouchers for aftercare at the Elementary School, return of before care to the ES
Changes to Creative Arts
Welcome Packets - include details on dates for Family Orientation, school day schedules, after care enrollment, etc will be sent via email and USPS mid to late July 2021